Adopt or Surrender A Pet Rat or...

Keeping Rats As a Pet Animal
Pet rats have existed for several hundred years, believe it or not! Having rats as a pet may seem like a strange concept to many different people, but for those who keep rodents, rats tend to be a preferred caged pet. Pet fancy rats are much less likely to display aggression like other rodent pets and caged pets such as gerbils, hamsters, rabbits, and guinea pigs. These are all animals that are commonly kept as pets- and many do not have as docile of a disposition as the domesticated pet rat does. The domesticated pet rat can be one of the most trustworthy pets that you can own, as long as it has a wonderful lineage and was raised properly. They are also incredibly intelligent and quirky- making them very entertaining for adults and children alike. Journeying into the world of rat ownership is very exciting, and it all begins with your very first fancy rat!
Just look at this face!!

Rats are wonderful pets who make a great addition to almost any household. Intelligent and fun, I've often described rats as the dogs of the rodent world. You can train them, cuddle them, and play with them just like a dog, but they come in a small package! These are very social Critters!